I have just come to realise that one of my biggest charecter flaws, is also one of my best, I am rebellious, impulsive, and self reliant. I could give up my political beleifs, my love of punk rock and heavy metal, leave my hedonistic lifestyle behind, loose my friends and family, become voluntarily indoctronated and enslaved. Yet those same bad qualitys, would save me, and be the making of me, because as readilly as I joined JW,s I could also leave because as I mentioned before, I am rebellious, impulsive, and self reliant. Unfortunately Im also prone to be an asshole and alienate people( a fact that my closest friends delight in pointing out) Still I apologise learn and move on. So, I would be intrested to find out if other peoples character flaws had an unexpected upside ?
the max
JoinedPosts by the max
by the max ini have just come to realise that one of my biggest charecter flaws, is also one of my best, i am rebellious, impulsive, and self reliant.
i could give up my political beleifs, my love of punk rock and heavy metal, leave my hedonistic lifestyle behind, loose my friends and family, become voluntarily indoctronated and enslaved.
yet those same bad qualitys, would save me, and be the making of me, because as readilly as i joined jw,s i could also leave because as i mentioned before, i am rebellious, impulsive, and self reliant.
Proof That The "Truth" Is A Cult
by metatron inonce upon a time, an elder approached brother discouraged in the back of the kingdom hall.
he said, "we've missed you at the meetings.
is there some problem?".
the max
If i can add my tuppence worth, I think your analysis is spot on,ultimately we have to have faith that god exists, ok, you could argue we have an abundance of circumstantial evedence, but you still need faith. There is no doubt that the GB exists,we have there names, ages blah blah. So to have doubts about an entity we cant see or prove,is understandable,easpecially as there is an overwhelming belief in evolution, taught and promoted everywhere. It,s perhaps understandable that some may doubt, even temporarily,as your example implies.However to doubt the voracity of the the Old Age Pensioners, in Brooklyn smelling of stale piss, with prostate problems. Is however a judicial matter, PLEASE how can anyone beleive this crap let alone condone it, I inadvertantly ventured into the Scottish Convention in Perth Scotland , I ventured into a world unseen,We the little people, nerver see, These C--ts living a life off Rutherford , I thought I was in a different world, Not for me me, never again, I will never pay for these parasites, to villify me, and live in luxury. and I pay them to come here, and chastise me, Fuck off !!!
the max
that (the lack of love) was the clincher for me, as my best friend, a MS, at the time told me, he had never met a group of people who were nastier to each other than JW,s. Lovebombed to death until baptised, then cast aside like shit, when they could no longer count their time, and I am just as giulty, looking down on others(non jw,s) as poor unfortunates, describing everyone else as walking corpses, boy was i an asshole, and still see that arrogance in most of them today, love is an alien concept to them,Power, status,jelousy,backstabbing, for me are the true characteristics of a witness.On a lighter note its a beautiful day here in Ediburgh,My wifes birthday, hope your family are well.
Unreserved apoligy
by the max ini have just recently found and joined this forum, several days ago i made a post re this forum, asking if this place was dominated by americans and canadians, and your tv stations.
it was an off the cuff post from me and i thought nothing of it.
inadvertantly i went back to that post and was horrified to read some of the remarks people left, telling me graphically where i could go,ect ect you get the picture ?
the max
I have just recently found and joined this forum, several days ago I made a post Re this forum, asking if this place was dominated by Americans and Canadians, and your TV stations. It was an off the cuff post from me and I thought nothing of it. Inadvertantly I went back to that post and was horrified to read some of the remarks people left, telling me graphically where I could go,ect ect you get the picture ? anyhow is was not my intention to cause offence, so to anyone I have offended please accept my unreserved apoligy,s.However some of you laughed, thankyou Canadians !!! and a special thankyou to Simon who was cutting me some slack without me being aware of it, thanks, and to those that kicked me in the ass(you know who you are) SORRY, it wont happen again.
is this site dominated by americans and canadians ?
by the max inim new to this forum, most topics up for discussion are usa centric, and thus for us euro,s are boring, like whats on your tv chanels, wtf, who cares what your watching on tv,i dont come here to listen to that, either promote something intresting, or shut the hell up .
the max
Apoligies to All, Im new to this game, Very sorry I caused offence,By way of explanation, I think I may be carrying some residual anger, not an excuse, once again I offer an unreserved apology to any one I have offended,and your descriptions of me were warranted, SORRY
Apple employees from the LGBT community have posted a video for the It Gets Better project.
by whereami ini think this was an uplifting and courageous video made by apple employees.
big thumbs up to apple for their courage in embracing their lgbt employees in this way.
as part of the it gets better campaign to end suicide among lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered youth, employees at apple have created a video with their stories about coming out and overcoming adversity, offering a rare glimpse into the personal lives of employees of the notoriously secretive company.. .
the max
Im supposed to hate Gays, Thats easy for me I am straight, I cant begin to think how easy it is to hate you guys and ladys, and its endorsed, one of my friends is gay, he used to cuddle up with my wife and other peoples wives, they( husbands) all felt aggresive toward him, I felt free , I could go watch Football, they were kindred spirits, thats just the way we were created, they went shopping,I went to footy.
Downfall, the collapse of Hitler and of the GB.
by the max inthe german film starring bruno ganz as hitler, charts hitlers descent into madness and paranoia, as he looses touch with reallity at the end of ww2,surrounded in the furher bunker in berlin, (bethel) a maniac loosing touch with reallity, gives orders and edicts, that evreyone ignores,(they all recognise he has , gone mad, yet no one dare aknowledge it through fear) the only way to find out the truth about what is really happening in germany, is to listen to the allied radio broadcasts(in our day the intrernet) hitler and nazis warned that anyone caught listening to these radio stations should be executed immeadiatley, gb are nazis, and at one time i would have defended them to the point of death, why are they scared of scrutiny ?
the internet ?
if they (we) for some of us have the truth, what is there to be affraid off ?.
the max
The German film starring Bruno Ganz as Hitler, charts Hitlers descent into madness and paranoia, as he looses touch with reallity at the end of WW2,surrounded in the Furher Bunker in Berlin, (Bethel) A maniac loosing touch with reallity, gives orders and edicts, that evreyone ignores,(they all recognise he has , gone mad, yet no one dare aknowledge it through fear) The only way to find out the truth about what is really happening in Germany, is to listen to the allied radio broadcasts(In our day the intrernet) Hitler and Nazis warned that anyone caught listening to these radio stations should be executed immeadiatley, GB are Nazis, and at one time I would have defended them to the point of death, Why are they scared of scrutiny ? the internet ? If they (WE) for some of us have the truth, what is there to be affraid off ?
A Rebel with a cause says hello new friends
by the_raisin ini just want to start by expressing gratitude toward all members of this forum.
i have been reading for the last month or so experiences and information that had not been available to me years ago when i was going through chronic depression and isolation.
i wish i could be more 'brave' and show some current little jws the way to this forum, but i am afraid of getting them in trouble :p we all know how sites like this are to them.. with that covered, first, a few things about me:.
the max
Hello and welcome,I am sorry you have had such a tough time of it, try not to be too hard on your mum, that org can with enough time, manipulate and crush people beyond recognition, Im not being patronising when tell you ,your one tough young lady,I was 29 when I got baptised, I served with the British Army, in Londonderry at the hight of the (troubles), I was a boxer,and the people in the Org ripped ME to pieces and I ended up clinically deppressed,some of them, not all, are indeed wicked. I take my hat off to you,you have more guts and balls(sorry !) than I ever did at your age.Once again a very warm welcome.
Who many anointed were there in 1992 ?
by the max inhi everyone, according to some dubs, the year on year increases the annointed is attributal to annointed ones in countrys previously not able to register, for example in former ussr,since the iron curtain came down in circa 1990, i would like to have information regarding the numbers from around this time and onwards, and if you have any comments on these assertions from the dubs, i would appreciate them, regards .
the max
Hi everyone, according to some Dubs, the year on year increases the annointed is attributal to annointed ones in countrys previously not able to register, for example in former USSR,since the Iron Curtain came down in circa 1990, i would like to have information regarding the Numbers from around this time and onwards, and if you have any comments on these assertions from the Dubs, I would appreciate them, Regards